Hammersmith Highline and RIBA Low Line Submissions


Following our submission of ‘The Meet Market’ as our entry for The Hammersmith Highline design competition earlier this summer, we have also now submitted ‘The Lowline’, incorporating the Bug-line and B-line for the railway arches at Isabella Street next to Southwark Tube Station.

Sarah, Louise and Laura were the driving force behind ‘The Meet Market’ submission, which provides an adaptable space for locals and the wider community beyond to share experiences and moments together through a series of adaptable follies. Design features include space for volunteering, socialising, swimming, yoga, cooking, permaculture, as well as eating and drinking. The generous outdoor areas and occupied arches are fully accessible to all with a proposed underground station for the network which would serve the site. Read more about the project here.

The Low Line design competition run by RIBA Competitions invites UK and international architects, landscape architects, ecologists and other disciplines to develop a vision for an ecological masterplan along the base of the rail viaduct around the Southwark tube station area.

The ‘Southwark Lowline’ team was comprised of Sarah, Louise, Tim and Laura and project collaborators; Bermondsey Street Bees and Bankside Open Sapces Trust The overriding concept of the design was to create a democratic Lowline that also acts as a series of wildlife corridors through London. The design includes beetle boxes, bird boxes, bug hotels, smart pillars, green walls, vertical allotments, Sustainable Drainage Systems and bug bridges over main roads that introduce biodiversity to the city centre

Forge Architects