
The R1SE


Type: Mixed

Size: 67 dwellings & 6 commercial units

Location: 52-56 Lant St, Southwark

Status: Complete

Client: Acorn Ltd/Rooff Ltd

Collaborators: Reuby & Stagg Ltd (Structural Engineers) Whitecode Design Associates Ltd (M&E Engineers)

Known as ‘The R1SE’, this seven-storey building consists of 67 apartments and 6 commercial units (totalling 7,500sqft). The development includes a basement car park providing 35 resident spaces. Construction value is £8 million.

The scheme was designed to break up the different uses both visually and practically so that they could successfully occupy this restricted urban site. The metal clad elevated box to the Lant Street elevation houses the commercial units while the rear of the site is utilised for a low rise residential block. Forge achieved planning permission, and was later novated to undertake the working drawings for the contractor Rooff Ltd.